
First, if you’re new to social nudism, read about Nudist Etiquette.

Fun & Safety

  • The most important parts of every HCN event and gathering of nudists are to enjoy the freedom of social nudism in a safe and fun environment.
  • You will be respected at HCN events, regardless of your race, ethnicity, country of origin, religion, physical sex, gender expression or identity, age, disabilities, military status, pregnancy status, or non-sexualized body jewelry. Note that our events are for ages 18 and up, however.
  • Our club organizers and event hosts strive to provide environments free from harassment, unwanted attention, sexual conduct, impaired intoxication and any other distraction from the simplicity of having fun and being nude.
  • An official Code of Conduct has been established not only for the advisement of our members and all those attending HCN events, but also to ensure that if an incident does occur, there are obvious communication channels to notify HCN club organizers and that the incident will be handled quickly, thoroughly and without possibility of retribution.

Code of Conduct

HCN is dedicated to providing a fun, safe, comfortable, and harassment-free experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of event participants in any form. Event participants violating these rules may, at the discretion of the HCN Board, be warned, sanctioned or expelled from the club without a refund. Furthermore, all members and prospective members of HCN will be required to read, understand, and agree to all policies set out in this code.

Comfort is often seen differently by varied people. In order to provide the most comfortable environment for all people at HCN events, we are providing this list of some behaviors that are unacceptable at HCN events, even if they are acceptable in other social situations. This list contains examples of some unacceptable behaviors, and is not exhaustive:

  • Do: Give time & space to new members so they can become comfortable.
    Do not: Crowd or corner members, or dominate their time at a party.
  • Do: Smile, shake hands, reciprocate a hug with long-time friends if they request it and you are comfortable.
    Do not: Assume that any member wants to be hugged or touched; everyone has their own comfort limits.
  • Do: Look members in the eyes during conversation and respect their personal space.
    Do not: Stare at others’ bodies from near or far, or stand within the personal space of members who are not yet your friends.
  • Do: Move around to join different conversations and activities at parties & events.
    Do not: Hover around a group without participating, or join groups who don’t wish to add you to their conversation.
  • Do: Have a fun time in the public areas of a party or event with other members.
    Do not: Separate members from the rest of the party behind closed doors.
  • Do: Enjoy a relaxed, casual and free atmosphere at all parties & events while respecting personal space and body language of other members.
    Do not: Assume friendly intimacy with all members; everyone has the right to set their own boundaries.
  • Do: Be genial, fun and enjoy the good-natured company of others.
    Do not: Make lewd or sexual jokes, innuendo or suggestions to any member.
  • Do: Talk to members from different backgrounds, genders, ages, races, etc. to gain new perspectives.
    Do not: Discuss other members’ bodies, sexuality, age, race, religion, with or without them present.
  • Do: Exert your social energy and enjoy yourself among like-minded social nudists while respecting the natural introversion or extroversion of other members.
    Do not: Push extroversion onto members who would like alone time or social time with closer friends that fit with their introversion.
  • Do: Enjoy food & drink responsibly at all events while following all club and venue rules.
    Do not: Become intoxicated or socially unaware such that other members’ wishes are not being noticed and respected.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to: offensive verbal comments or physical gestures related to biological sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, or religion; deliberate intimidation; stalking; following; harassing; unofficial or unwanted photography or recording; uninvited, unwanted or inappropriate physical contact; and any sexual attention or activity. Participants asked by any member to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

If an event participant engages in discomforting or harassing behavior, the event organizers or hosts may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expelling them from the event. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a event organizer, host or a member of the HCN Board immediately. All reported behavioral issues will be reviewed by the HCN Board and noted in official club records.

  • Email address for the HCN Board: hcnboard@hcnclub.org
  • Phone number for the HCN Activities Director: (512) 766-8876
  • Local law enforcement (non-emergency): 311 or (512) 974-5750
  • In an emergency, call 911
  • Sexual Assault Legal Hotline: (512) 225-9290

Photography Policy

HCN is acutely aware of many members’ and event participants’ varied preferences around being photographed in the nude. Only official HCN event photographers (usually a board member or newsletter editor) will be allowed to take general photos of attendees at HCN events. Any participant who wishes not to be photographed can notify the photographer or the HCN President at any time before or during an event to both prevent future photos and request the deletion of prior photos at that event.

At larger events like our annual Boat Party or Nude Bowling, HCN may ask that participants select a colored wrist band based on their photography preference:

  • Green: All official HCN photos welcomed and fit for printing into the internal HCN newsletter.
  • Yellow: Official HCN photos must be taken only with prior permission from the subject.
  • Red: No photos allowed of the subject.

No official HCN photos will be shared with the public; only distributed as part of our members-only newsletter or members-only website. Any deviation from these rules or special permission will be through mutual agreement of all subjects in a photo and the HCN Board.

Occasionally HCN will write an article for publication in one of the national nudist magazines. If you agree to be in the photograph, you will be asked to sign a photo release form. This is required by the magazine editors.

Firearms Policy

Pursuant to Title 7, Section 30.06 and 30.07 of the Texas Penal Code, HCN does not allow the presence of firearms, openly carried or concealed, regardless of permit status, in members’ homes or at official club events. Please secure any and all carried firearms at home or in your vehicle before coming into an HCN event.

In this, our focus is on simple firearm safety as well as respecting the fact that we are often guests in our members’ homes. At any nude event, a firearm left unattended is not secure and could be accessed by anyone. This is in violation of generally accepted firearm safety principles. Respecting our members’ homes and their preferences for their guests is equally important.

Snow bumper sticker

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: If I am friends with another HCN member and we make sexual jokes when we spend time together outside the club, can we still make those jokes at club events?
No. Our club events are set up to be as comfortable as possible to all attendees. In family-friendly nudist environments, sexual jokes or innuendo are inappropriate and unwelcome.
Q: If I recognize someone I know from outside of HCN at a club event, can I tease them about their attendance?
No. Again, to ensure the highest level of club member, guest & prospect comfort, we expect polite, adult behavior from all event attendees and will not accept social pressure or embarrassment such as teasing.
Q: Can a group of my friends and I take a photo of ourselves at a club event?
Yes, if everyone in a photo has explicitly consented and there are no other members shown in the photo (in any way, regardless of whether they are identifiable), you may discreetly take such photos.